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I read widely and in most genres but romance and westerns. Here you'll find my reviews since 2007, with a few reviews of previously read books as well.


In 2012, I completed an "authors of the world" challenge, reading a book for every country (and a few other entities) by someone who'd lived there for at least two years. I expect to tag these books by challenge and country in the near future. I'm still refining my list by adding books that better meet my challenge criteria.

A Queer and Pleasant Danger: The True Story of a Nice Jewish Boy Who Joins the Church of Scientology and Leaves Twelve Years Later to Become the Lovely Lady She Is Today

A Queer and Pleasant Danger: The True Story of a Nice Jewish Boy Who Joins the Church of Scientology and Leaves Twelve Years Later to Become the Lovely Lady She Is Today - An enjoyable though at times heartbreaking memoir, recounting Borenstein's intertwined journeys in gender, religion, and self-knowledge. It's interesting to speculate about the course of her life if she hadn't been booted out of Scientology, where she seemed pretty happy and productive. The latter section where she addresses her daughter directly didn't work as well for me. It may still be too close to Bornstein's heart to achieve the same slightly distanced, slightly ironic treatment that gave the rest of the book its compelling tone.